再次回顧過去九月至十月, 我們團隊在香港灣仔海濱舉辦了首次「海濱藝遊坊」夜市, 再次為全港市民呈現熱鬧盛況。開幕首個周末特意配合中秋佳節及國慶, 以繽紛煙花及無人機表演詮釋兩個重要節日氣氛。
由九月廿七日至十月廿九日起一連五個周末都將灣仔海旁一帶轉型成歡樂藝術節地點。開幕當日,預備周到嘅表演已令人嘆為觀止。精心編排的800架無人機匯演, 連續四場不同主題的無人機表演勾畫出節日精神暢達天際, 吸引逾二萬名市民和遊客參與, 熱鬧情緒高漲。數十個小食店氣氛熱烘烘,各式美食香氣撲鼻。近百攤檔陳設着精緻手工藝與紀念品, 深受遊客歡迎。
我們團隊以專業規劃, 確保人流暢通無阻。各項表演與遊樂設施亦精心設計和管理,令年幼至長者皆可享受。多謝政府同業界夥伴的鼎力支援讓活動進行得非常順利。
A Stellar Showcase of
Successful Event Planning
Sept. 27 - Oct. 29, 2023
Five consecutive weekends
As the organiser of the inaugural Waterfront Carnival (海濱藝遊坊), our team is over the moon with the outcomes of this multi-weekend extravaganza along Hong Kong's beautiful harborfront. From concept to completion, countless hours crafted an unforgettable festival experience that uplifted the entire community. Based on the overwhelming positive feedback, all of our efforts truly paid off.
None of this would have been possible without the full support of Hong Kong's government departments. Special thanks to the full support of Hong Kong Development Bureau for site permitting assistance, the Hong Kong Police Force for safety coordination, the Marine Department for navigating water activities, the Civil Aviation Department for drone approvals, and the Fire Services Department for standby support. Their dedicated efforts were instrumental to our operational success.
We also received invaluable collaboration from resourceful local partners. Their contributions in areas like live entertainment, technical production, and food sourcing brought the Carnival concept to vibrant life.
Facilitating nearly 100 vendor and activity zones across our event footprint required meticulous planning. But through optimized site layouts and trained volunteer teams, product sales, food service and attractions seamlessly served over 110,000 attendees. This supported our vision of an accessible, enjoyable atmosphere for all ages and demographics within the community.
As event organiser, we could not feel prouder to have partnered such outstanding talent and support networks. The joyous carnival spirit uplifted through five stellar weekends will undoubtedly leave lasting memories. Here's to continued success in creating many more magical moments for Hong Kong through future collaborations!

Get in Touch
Victoria Waters Limited
24/F., Lee Garden One,
33 Hysan Ave, Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
+852 9294 9435